Risk Management

These presentations explore topics in Project Risk Management. Each presentation captures a different aspect or process in Project Risk Management. Several presentations are adapted from the Ontario Association of Architects Annual Conference 2023 and integrate political project risks with stakeholder engagement and management. If you find these presentation resources useful, please let me know using the Contact form on my website.

Donald Ardiel

An Introduction to Risk Management for Architects

Risk Introduction – presentation handout

 A Brief History of Architectural Services and the Introduction of Risk Management

A Brief History of Architectural Services and the Introduction of Risk Management – presentation handout

Managing Project Risk: A Structured Approach

Managing Project Risk: A Structured Approach – presentation handout

Risk Breakdown Structure

Sources of Uncertainty in Design and Construction Programs: the Risk Breakdown Structure – presentation handout

Risk Breakdown Structure chart for Design Projects

Project Risk Management: Political Risks

Project Risk Management: Political Risks – presentation handout

Risk Identification

Risk Identification – presentation handout

Qualitative Risk Ranking

Risk Qualitative Ranking and Prioritization – presentation handout

Quantitative Risk Analysis: Earned Value Management

Quantitative Risk Analysis: Earned Value Management – presentation handout

Risk Response Planning

Risk Response Planning – presentation handout